Hush Loudly: Introverts Redefined
Join in the conversation with Jeri Bingham who delves into introversion, the personality type that is often misunderstood in this extrovert-rewarding world. Introverts lead, and we do like people, but we may socialize, process and recharge differently than others. Learn about what makes us tick and why we are incredible to partner with at work, home and play. Check out HushLoudly: Introverts Redefined.
Hush Loudly: Introverts Redefined
IDPH's Dr. Ngozi Ezike on the pandemic, her role, and how she recharges
Host Jeri Bingham
HushLoudly’s Jeri Bingham recently spoke with Dr. Ngozi Ezike, Director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, about how she continues to serve and lead. Gain an understanding about monoclonal antibodies and get the latest on the pandemic. Also, listen in to hear about how the state’s ‘top doc’ recharges. For more information about Illinois Department of Public Health COVID-19, updates, visit here.